Paper #
Mending the Path to Broader Participation in STEM Through Contemplative CRiT Collage

Join us for this hands-on, interactive workshop where we will engage with a new methodology called Contemplative CRiT Collage (CCC)! We will highlight the need for interventions that address racialized trauma and the use of CCC as a possible way to aid in the mending of students of color who encounter negative experiences in STEM. CCC is offered as a new approach to support their persistence in STEM through meditation and collage-making. Thus, attendees will engage in a four-part workshop: (1) learning about the CCC methodology; (2) engaging in a short meditation practice; (3) creating an individual and collective collage; and (4) participating in a large group discussion about their experience with this methodology and how it can be used in their respective STEM fields. Attendees will leave this workshop with a new understanding of this innovative arts-informed method for data collection and strategies to support the persistence of students and professionals in STEM, especially those from marginalized backgrounds.

Lisette Torres-Gerald
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Session Type
Workshop 3 Hours
Location Name
Salon B