Paper #
Accelerating adoption of inclusive, evidence-based practices for PhD career development

Professional Development Hub (pd|hub) is a national, cross stakeholder initiative developed through working groups of the biomedical research and training community to empower educational leaders in advancing inclusive, evidence based practices in PhD professional development. With funding from the NIH, Burroughs Wellcome Fund, and ASBMB, the pd|hub Collections launched in 2021 as a new mechanism for curating, disseminating, and supporting the adoption of evidence-based interventions in PhD professional development. In this session, we will facilitate participant reflection about career exploration themes for STEMM PhD students and postdocs in educational models from the inaugural pd|hub Collection, Foundations of Career Exploration for PhD Scientists (Grant No. NIGMS R25GM139076). First, we will share the models’ intentional designs, connecting identity-conscious facilitation practices with theory and research about career decision-making and pursuit of career goals (20 min). Then we will facilitate small group reflection as well as discussion among all participants (35 min), connecting strengths and challenges in their own PhD career exploration programs to themes from the pd|hub Collections.

2:40 PM - 3:25 PM
Session Type
Colloquia - 45 Minutes
Location Name
Salon B