Paper #
Navigating STEM Pathways: Belonging Mediates the Impact of Goal Congruity on Persistence (but not Well-being) Among Indigenous Students

The current study expands our knowledge of Goal Congruity Theory in a sample of Indigenous undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdocs in STEM. This study highlights the longitudinal significance of the affordance of communal and agentic goals from the STEM environment and the prominence of alignment between goal affordance and personally valued goals on intentions to pursue a STEM career. These findings provide insights into the theoretical framework and its longitudinal impact on scholars’ motivations, indicating that among Indigenous students at higher education levels, it is important to provide or make salient opportunities for achieving communal and agentic goals in the STEM context.

Paul Hernandez
10:55 AM - 12:25 PM
Session Type
Deeper Dives
Location Name
Salon B