Full Name
Bret Hassel
Job Title
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Speaker Bio
Dr. Hassel received his PhD in Biochemistry from the Johns Hopkins University and completed postdoctoral studies at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation. He is a Professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine with leadership roles in training, education, and outreach programs that comprise the major components of his professional activities. He was named Teacher of the Year in 2013 and served as Director of the Molecular Microbiology and Immunology graduate program from 2015-22. In his current role as UMGCCC Assistant Director of Training and Education he has developed and serves as PI or co-I on six NIH-funded programs for trainees that span middle school through post-graduate education. An overarching goal of these programs is to inspire students from under-represented groups to pursue careers in research and healthcare and increase diversity in the biomedical workforce.
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